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时间:2024-02-27 作者:工作汇报网




1、Actully love can be expressed in many ways,your way is one of themSometimes it's not that he doesn't love you anymore,but you didn't understand his way of love其实爱有多种方式,你的方式只是一种。有时候不是对方不爱你,而是你没有理解他爱你的方式。

2、If I could be any part of you, I’d be your tears To be conceived in your heart, born in your eyes, live on your cheeks, and die on your lips若我能成为你的一部分,我愿成为你的眼泪:从心底孕育,由眼角降临,划过脸庞而生存,触碰嘴唇且安息。

3、Every story has an endingbut in life, every end is a new beginning——每段故事都有一个结局。但是在人的一生中,每一个终点同时也是一个新的起点。

4、Turn is winter, sunshine getting thinner and pale转眼便是冬日,阳光变得稀薄而苍白。

5、Every single person has at least one secret that would break your heart 每个单身的人背后至少藏着一个让人心碎的秘密。

6、I'm just an ordinary women i just ask stability for my sentiment我只是个平凡的女人,感情也只贪个安稳

7、We are all busy XiZi, not commit, cannot be resolved我们都是忙忙碌碌的戏子,不全心投入,便无法落幕。

8、我不打你,你就不知道我文武双全。I will not beat you, you don't know me but

9、全世界都可以是你的,但是你只能是我的。The whole world can be yours, but you can only be mine

10、Because that desperate love, what I lost you never know因为那奋不顾身的爱,我失去了什么你不会知道。

11、Please don't play my feelings, also do not ignore my feelings请你别玩弄我的感情,也不要忽视我感情。


13、Every day may not be goodbut there's something good in every day 并不是每一天都是好日子,但每一天一定会有些好事会发生。

14、与你缠绵的每一秒,都是我生命里的永远。Every second that you are touching, it's always in my life

15、Don’t wait to be lonely, to recognize the value of a friend 不要等到孤独了,才明白朋友的价值。

16、碎了一地的诺言,拼凑不回的昨天。Broken the promise of a place, put together not back yesterday

17、纠结的爱,是你不得不让我选择微笑着离开。Tangle of love, is that you have to let me choose to smile to leave

18、Count your age by friends, not years Count your life by smiles, not tears ~ John Lennon 衡量自己年不年轻,看朋友,而不是看年纪。 评价自己过得好不好,看笑容,而不是看眼泪。---约翰列侬

19、As long as it is a comedy, I’d rather cry during the process 只要是个喜剧结局,过程你让我怎么哭都行。


20、If someone is strong enough to bring you down,show them you are strong enough to get up 如果有人足够强大到让你倒下,那你就让他看看,你也能自己站起来


22、Love me little and love me long。不求情意绵绵,但求天长地久。

23、My heart shall put on cotton-padded jacket, it can resist without your winter我的心要穿上棉袄,才能抵御没有你的冬天。

24、Forget others' faults by remembering your own 想想自己的错,会忘却别人的过

25、有些事,不说是个结,说了是个疤。Some things, do not say is a knot, say is a scar

26、If someone truly loves you, distance is not a problem It's just the power of making love grow each day——如果一个人真的爱你,距离不是一个问题,它只会成为一种滋长爱情的力量。

27、If a person really wants to see you they will make a way and nothing in the world would stop them如果一个人真想见你,他总能找到办法,全世界都阻挡不了他。

28、Don't let someone become a priority in your life, when you are just an option in their life Relationships work best when they are balanced “ ------- 别让某人成为你生命中的优先,当你只是他们生命中的一个选择时。人与人之间的关系只有在彼此达到平衡时,运作的最恰当。

29、Don't judge a man by what you see, because what you see is possibly what they want you to see --- 不要根据你看到的去评价一个人,因为你看到的,有可能是他们想让你看到的。

30、只要你过得比我好,死的一定早。As long as you live better than me, die early

31、A truly happy person is one who can enjoy the scenery while on a detour一个真正快乐的人是那种在走弯路时也不忘享受风景的人。

32、快乐要懂得分享,才能加倍的快乐。Happy to know how to share, to be more happy

33、I never wanted to be your whole life Just your favorite part 我从来就没想过要成为你的全部。我只想做你最喜爱的那一个部分

34、Don't be discouraged; it's often the last key in the bunch that opens the lock —— 别灰心,往往是最后一把钥匙才能打开锁。

35、Men alleged oath,but is a beautiful lies just。男人所谓的誓言,不过是个美丽的谎言而已。

36、It always seems impossible until its done 在事情未成功之前,一切总看似不可能。 ――曼德拉

37、It’s never too late to be who you might have been-George Eliot 做回你自己,永远都不嫌晚

38、Blessed is he whose fame does not outshine his truth——Tagore 有福之人,是因为他的真实比他的名誉更耀眼。——泰戈尔
